McDowells Alleviate 1ltr
McDowells Alleviate 1ltr
This formulation has evolved from a consideration of the dangers of administering phenylbutazone (Bute) routinely to horses sensitive to its side effects. Traditionally White Willow Bark and Devils Claw were used for pain relief. Guaiacum was traditionally used for Gout and Burdock as a blood cleanser for Rheumatoid processes. Pine Bark, Rosehips, Elecampane for its Allantoin content together with Yarrow in a Vinegar base all support repair.
These herbs have been traditionally used to reduce pain from inflammation and support in the healing process. This formulation may be used safely for both emergencies and in the long term for comfort.
The tonic will need to be given continuously for a minimum of 3 weeks, and can be maintained long term if necessary. Improvements are usually observed within 3-6 weeks on the tonic.
- Fermented tonic to support a healthy microbiota.
- 100% chemical free
- 24 hour withholding period for animals scheduled for surgery
- Safe for the stomach
- Safe to give long term
- Can increase dose safely in times of injury/trauma/oedema
- Can be added to feed
- Can be safely given alongside veterinary medications
This product was previously known as Anti-Inflammatory Healer.
Contains: Burdock Extract, Devils Claw, Elecampane, Guaiacum Extract, Maritime Pine Bark, Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, Rosehips, White Willow Bark, Yarrow, Dr Bach™ Flowers; Honeysuckle, Rescue Remedy™, Vine, Walnut.
Dosage: 20mls twice a day in feed for 2 weeks, then reduce to 10mls twice a day thereafter. Can be given directly over the tongue with a feed syringe.