Panacur 100
Panacur 100
Composition: Fenbendazole 100 g/L.
Panacur 100 Oral Anthelmintic for Cattle and Horses attacks the mature and immature stages of the following worms:
Cattle: barbers pole worm, hair worm or small hair worm, small brown stomach worm including hypobiotic larvae, small intestinal worm, whipworm, lungworm and hookworm; aids in the control of tapeworm in cattle.
Horses: mature and immature large strongyles, small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms and Strongyloides westeri. Safe to use in pregnant animals and stud mares.
Presentation: 1 L, 5 L.
Cattle - 3.75ml/50kg bodyweight.
Horses - 5ml/50kg bodyweight ( 10ml/20kg for S. westeri) as an oral drench.
Withholding Period:
Meat: Cattle: 14 days; Horses: 28 days.
Milk: Nil.
Export Slaughter Interval: 14 days